
Jennifer Valenti, Executive Director | Community Living North Bay
The Alliance Information Management System (AIMS®) is a user-friendly database that will provide you with the information you need to ensure that the quality support and services you are delivering are meeting your goals as an organization.
AIMS® will give you the data you need to confirm that your resources are aligned with your core services. No more guessing! This is your answer for both quality and accountability!

Tina Williams, Quality Enhancement Coordinator | Community Living Upper Ottawa Valley
Since introducing AIMS® to our staff almost a year ago now, we have recognized some great benefits to how we record and maintain information. All of our incident reporting is now tracked through AIMS®. Feedback from staff is that they love the medical section and the potential to maintain a history of information.
The layout and forms are easy to use, and printed documents look very professional. Each time we have asked for support, we have gotten prompt, effective responses from Brent and Mitch.
Thanks for all your hard work.

Deb Cavers, AIMS Administrator | CL Brant
Comprehensive information about people; excellent report tool; user-friendly; responsive and timely technical support.
Overall, we are very impressed with our AIMS® database experience.

Terri Gray, Executive Director | Community Living Oshawa Clarington
We are excited to be implementing the AIMS® program here at Community Living Oshawa Clarington. As the Ministry of Community and Social Services moves forward with its transformation and as Community Living Oshawa/Clarington moves towards accreditation, the information that AIMS® maintains and processes with be instrumental in our success. Implementing AIMS® allows our organization to demonstrate increased accountability to the people we support, stakeholders and funders. The information held in AIMS® is a tangible marker of our commitment to providing support that improves the outcomes in people’s lives.
Working with Brent and his team has been amazing. The process of implementation has been tailor-made to fit our organization. The support from Brent and his team makes it extremely easy to go through this process. Another exciting feature of this system is the network capabilities with other development organizations and the continual improvement in the system based on input, shared learning, changing trends and best practices from the sector.

Hilary Tugwood, Director of Quality, Planning and Development | CL Belleville and Area
AIMS® has assisted Plainfield Community Homes with our Quality Enhancement efforts by giving us the tools to keep information current and central. There are many features of AIMS® that we use on a daily basis. We are still working on getting all staff trained and using more and more of the features.
The potential for the information that we will be able to generate through reports is tremendous. Our goal is to be using AIMS® totally and not paper by the end of 2010.

France Pakenham, Manager-Residential Services | Community Living Glengarry
AIMS® has been a great system for our agency by making the information available at the tip of our fingers, which in return is great for time management. It has allowed for continuity of services when support workers have changed positions. The system has permitted us to see growth and progress for the person receiving support and as well for the person to share information along with their support worker to their natural supports.
We have found it helpful to facilitate the management of health and medication for the person. From the early stages, we have received full and prompt assistance from the team. The system was easy to get up and running and was very user-friendly.
AIMS® has provided this agency with a great opportunity for the future.

Sherri Kroll, Executive Director | Middlesex Community Living
Middlesex Community Living was introduced to the AIMS® database system in the summer of 2009. From that moment, we realized that this database had the potential to elevate our quality initiatives. The system provides the platform for greater staff efficiency, data collection and analysis and, ultimately, enhances the quality of our service organization. This results in a positive impact on quality of life issues. As we capture real data about the people that we support, it positions us to make educated decisions, use our resources more effectively and improve lives.
Our staff believes that the AIMS® database system adds value to their job, allows them to be more productive and effective and professionalizes their work. We believe that the quality of services and supports provided by Middlesex Community Living has increased thanks to the AIMS® database system.

Keith Tansley, Executive Director | Community Living Mississauga
As an AIMS® user, I am very impressed with the ease of setup. Our employees have embraced this technology because of its user-friendly approach, and they can readily see the benefits. AIMS® will be a major piece of producing reports for future accountability for our Association.